
发布时间:2016-09-21 浏览人次:


910日,第二届匹兹堡中华文化节在匹兹堡大学隆重举行。中国驻纽约总领馆邱舰副总领事、中国武汉市副市长胡立山等嘉宾先后致辞,宾夕法尼亚州参议员TOM BAKER到现场祝贺。居住在宾夕法尼亚州、俄亥俄州和纽约州的美国民众与华人华侨约6000人参加了此次文化节。本次文化节由匹兹堡中华文化中心主办(PCCC,堡孔子学院(CI-PITT)、中国旅美科技会匹堡分会(CAST-P)等十多家团体协办







The 2nd Pittsburgh Chinese Culture Festival, a Culture Bridge of Long-living Friendship

During 10 am to 7 pm on September 10th, the 2nd Pittsburgh Chinese Culture Festival was held grandly in University of Pittsburgh. Both Qiu Jian, the deputy consul general of Chinese Consulate-general in New York, and Hu Lishan, the deputy major of Wuhan, China, delivered speeches during the festival. Senator of Pennsylvania, Tom Baker, also sent his congratulations on site. About 6000 Americans and overseas Chinese living in Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York participated in the festival. The culture festival is held by over 10 groups, such as PCCC, assisted by CI-PITT, CAST-P, etc.

The culture festival has been divided into five parts: technology, education, culture exhibition, art performance and Chinese cuisine. Intangible cultural heritage like leaf painting, patch work, puppetry displayed by a group of five artists from Wuhan, the sister city of Pittsburgh in China, has amazed all of the audience. More than 30 wonderful programs has been performed by Pittsburgh Chinese Art TroupeLi Diya Music CenterWuhan Cultural Group, etc. The booth elaborately designed by CI-PITT, covered with Chinese textbooks, culture commodities and Chinese culture experiencing activities, has attracted a lot of people.

The Pittsburgh Chinese Culture Festival is not only the representative culture activity in Pittsburgh, but also one of the “Confucius Institute Day” activities of CI-PITT. It is not only a grand cultural ceremony that all the citizens in Pittsburgh celebrate, but also a significant platform on which overseas Chinese propagate Chinese culture.
